
How Can I Quit Smoking? – Sadhguru Answers – my thoughts on it.

People tend to know that certain habits are beneficial to them while other habits are detrimental to them. We tend to know which habits are harmful to us and some of those habits we wants to stop them, yet we continue enforcing those un-useful habits.

Smoking is one of those detrimental habits. Below is a video of Sadhguru answering the question on how to quit smoking. You can watch the video or you can continue reading my thoughts and opinions on it.

I’ll quote “…” in big bold what he say and give my opinions on on.

“I don’t think is good or bad. It’s just stupid to be smoking.”

He think that smoking is not good or bad. That makes sense since good or bad has to be with morality.

He think that is stupid to be smoking. I think so too. Some type of marketers in order to make money by selling cigarettes made smoking look cool and smart. People associated smoking with being smart.

Now that people are more self-aware, we as a whole are smoking less. Would you rather see yourself as stupid or smart? smart is better than stupid for sure.

Therefore, if you associate smoking with stupid then is more likely that you will stop smoking since in general no one wants to be seem as an stupid person.

More importantly, If things has purposes then yes, it is stupid to be smoking.

The purpose of the human lung is to inhale air, take the oxygen and send it to the blood stream. Every cell in the human body use oxygen. The waste material of the cells is carbon dioxide. Lung also receive this carbon dioxide and send it out of the body.

Therefore, the body is design to inhale air and exhale carbon dioxide. It not design to smoke. Smoking is stupid since you are overworking the lung, you are poisoning your lung. You are making the long to work less efficient by smoking.

The body is an eco-friendly machine. This is true as well. Humans and plants have a symbiotic relationship, we need one another in order to survive. Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, humans inhale the oxygen that is in the air and exhale carbon dioxide.

“Your chemistry has become dependent on nicotine or caffeine and whatever”

He says that your chemistry has become dependent on nicotine or caffeine and whatever. Meaning that you are addicted certain chemicals.

A solution to this is to do “shambhavi mahamudra“. This is type of breathing techniques with yoga that fire up your system. This breathing technique give you some kind of natural chemical high, just like the high that smoking does. Therefore, the need or urge for smoking will disappear.

“You want to enhance your life”

Morality, “for thousands of years we have debated the same thing without being able to arrive to what is truly right and what is truly wrong”.

I agree when it comes to morality, what’s right in one generation maybe wrong in the next generation and what wrong in one generation maybe right on the next generation.

He says that “you want to enhance your life“… and that if you want to enhance your life it is “important that all your faculties are a little more heightened”

I agree, In general people want to enhance their life, they want health, wealth, good relationship etc. because they want their current life to better.

To my understanding what he is trying to say is to focus on increasing your body faculties so you can see better, hear better, think better. by increasing your body faculties, you automatically are enhancing your life.


You can practice better breathing. Breathing is so important and yet many of use don’t pay attention to breathing.

You can practice having good body posture. This is a very important thing, specially for people that are sitting down all day in front of a computer.

This bring us back to smoking of any kind.

“If you lower your faculties, your life get lower”

What at amazing example this is.

He mention that if you were in surgery, you would not want the doctor to be smoked up. Meaning high on weed. Because you know that smoking weed lower your faculties.

Or that if you eyes look dim or your mind look dim you do not look better.

The useful thing to do is to look for things and do things that higher your faculties not things that lower them.

So you need to learn to manage your body well.

That it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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