Leg cramps when I woke up
I sometime fall sleep on the sofa. usually, I wake up full of energy and ready to start the day. Last night I did fall sleep on the sofa but this time was different. I woke up with extreme pain in the back of my left thigh and a sharp nerve pain in my right calf.

It was so painful that I could barely move. I did not want to move. I was like please stop, STOP, ah, ahh, ahhhh..
After sometime, the pain stopped and I was able to move.
I was like what in the world was that. So I went to the internet and did some research. The first few search results gave the worse possible reasons.
So I keep searching because I think I am a healthy person for the most part. I should not have a health related condition.
This is what I found. Which make more sense.
Cramp also known as muscle spasm. It’s a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles often in the legs. It could be cause by strain or fatigue. It can be very painful, so painful that it often awakens a person during the night sleep.
It’s usually self diagnosable, it’s harmless although very panful.
Ok, In my case upon further analysis this sound more believable. Upon further inspection, it appears that I slept in an uncomfortable position. Which let to the bending or strain of the muscle.
When you are sleep and you are not comfortable, you usually move. and there is no pain.
There is a portion of your sleep cycle that you are unable to move. During this cycle is more likely that cramp happens.
Try to sleep in better positions. So your legs can get enough blood. So that your muscle do not get strain to the point of pain.
Other possible additional solutions, to prevent this happing is make sure that your body get the nutrients it needs.
If you are in doubt and unable to self diagnosable, then you ought to call your doctor.