Progress is halt by
Progress is halt by who ever is in power…

Who ever is in power would do whatever they can do to avoid losing
- Control
- Money
- Profit
- Power
Every living thing has something in common.
- Survival
We can be social, we can care about others, we can be empathetic, we can even go against our own nature and give our life for people we love but for the most part self survival would get in the way.
In general survival would come first.
With that in mind , come self interest many of the thing that we do come from self interest. Yes, we human are capable of going against our own self-interest, but in general we do things because of self interest.
Now, some might say well how about people that drink soda instead of water, knowing that water is beneficial while soda is not.
You might think that’s a valid argument but it might not be.
Think about it this way. We tend to gravitate toward pleasure and avoid pain. The soda give you some kind of high, some kind of pleasure that the water does not, that’s why you drink it.
However, if something in you body where to break to the point where you are in extreme pain and soda it’s the cause of that then most likely you would stop drinking it .
You can create a new habit by
- repeating something over and over for a period of time
- something so traumatic that you instantly change the habit
Final thought
Yes, power corrupt. Progress is half by who ever is in power because who ever is in power would do whatever it take to keep that power.