Self preservation

Self preservation is the instinct to protect oneself from harm. It’s the instinct to survive. For an organism avoiding death is an amazing evolutionary trait since it will increase the survivable chance of the species.

If you are human be grateful and proud to be one.

Although human can be attack by other creatures like lions, crocodile and such, Human do not have a natural predator.

On this planet call earth, in every food chain human are the top predator. For humans, if the creature move, it’s probably eatable.

I’m not trying to be funny. But it’s the truth. You can name an animal or a bug. There is probably a group humans around the world that eat that animal or bug.

A human only need to worry about other humans. When you think about it, anything that is not a human is call a thing or an it.

You maybe thinking that human are physically weak compare to other animals.

But I disagree.

Strength come from muscle mass and body anatomy.

Human have an amazing brain that allow us to think rationally.

Most human nowadays live a sedimentary life but unlike other creatures, human can train to increase their muscle mass. Just look at men that practice strength training.

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