Self-value explained

Self-value is when you see yourself as beneficial. You could be beneficial in an economic way such as monetary or you could be beneficial in an ethical way such as right or wrong. Is when you see yourself as worthy.

What is Value?

Value is something that is beneficial. It could be beneficial in an economic way such as monetary or an ethical way such as right or wrong. It something that is worthy.

What is self-value?

Self-value is when you see yourself as beneficial. You could be beneficial in an economic way such as monetary or you could be beneficial in an ethical way such as right or wrong. Is when you see yourself as worthy.

Why is self-value important?

self-value is important because when you value yourself, you tend to value wealth, health and relationship.

If you value your health, you are most likely to have habits that are beneficial toward your body.

  • Like doing some type of exercise.
  • Like drinking water.
  • Like breathing better.
  • Like siting better.
  • Like posturing yourself better.
  • Like eating more healthy.

If you value your wealth, You are most likely to have habits that are beneficial toward your wealth.

  • Such as Investing for the long term.
  • Such as swing trading.
  • Such as day trading.
  • Such as buying and selling businesses.
  • Such as spending below your means.
  • Such as increasing the amount of money your your earn.
  • Such as having multiple sources of income.
  • Such as finding ways to further increase your wealth.
  • Such as thinking about generational wealth.
  • Such as not trading your time for money.
  • Such as finding way to scale your business.
  • Such as using money to buy your freedom.
  • Such as valuing freedom.

If you value your relationship, you are most like to have habits that are beneficial toward your relationships.

  • Like boundaries.
  • Like asking for what you need.
  • Like better intimacy.
  • Like better appreciation for other people.
  • Like better connection.
  • Like doing things together.
  • Good networking.
  • Good relationship with family.


Self-value have many benefits. The journey of life is just way more better when you have self-value, since you tend to do things that are beneficial toward your health, wealth and relationships.

Here is are some tips.

Increase your self-value, spend less, increase your income and invest the rest toward increasing your wealth.

That’s it.

Take a calculated risk.

Now, start and adjust as you go.

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