Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four temperate seasons

The majority of the United State is in a temperate climate zone. Each follow one another, in order the seasonal temperate are spring, summer, autumn and winter. After winter come spring and rinse and repeat every year.


Spring is the blooming part of the year. It’s when plants grow their leaves and flower petals. It has around the same amount of daylight and darkness. It usually start around march 20.


Summer is the hot season of the year and has the most daylight. It usually start around June 20.


Autumn is the fall part of the year. It’s when plants lose or shed their leaves and flowers petals. Hence, people call the season fall. It has around the same amount of daylight and darkness. It usually start around September 22


Winter is the cold season of the year and it has the least daylight, it usually start around December 21.

Planet earth has Weather, seasons and climate Zones

Lets quickly show each one.

Climate zones are temperate, polar and tropical.

  • Tropical zones are warm season mostly.
  • Polar zones are cold season mostly.
  • Temperate zones has four seasons, which are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Each climate zones has different weather and the weather has temperature and precipitation.

Temperature mean how hot or how cold air the surround you feels like.

Precipitation mean how wet or how dry the air that surround you feels like. When you look outside and you can see snow, rain, mist, hail and/or sleet, these are forms of precipitations.

  • Snow is the white flakes you see falling down from the sky.
  • Rain is the water you can see falling down from the sky.
  • Mist is the cloudy thing you can see outside that lower your visibility.
  • Hail is frozen rain falling down the sky. Mostly occur in warm weather.
  • Sleet is a mix of rain and snow mix together. It’s small ice pellets falling down the sky. Mostly occur in cold weather.

You may also probably hear the term freezing rain similar to sleep and graupel AKA Snow pellets.

Freezing rain are solid ice falling down the sky, it can break things like car windows, make hole on houses and can be very dangerous to people without cover.

on the other hand. Graupel is soft, basically Big snowflake.

That’s it.

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