What Is A Backlink?
What Is A Backlink?
A backlink is just a link from someone else website to your website.
The link is call an outbound link, since it is leaving someone else website.
The link is call an inbound link, since it is being receive by your website.

Why Do You Need Backlinks
Why would you need backlinks on your website. Backlinks help you website to rank on search engines. Search engines are web sites that you can search for things. Bing.com , Google.com , DuckDuckGo.com are a few examples of search engines.
Back links could be valuable and help your website to rank higher on search engines if they come from trusted website.
A trusted website is a site that has high level of authority. Basically is a well known website.
There Are Two Types Of Backlinks
There are two types of backlinks. One is dofallow backlink and the other is nofollow backlink.
Dofallow backlinks, they do count toward the search engines ranking and help your website to rank higher.
Nofallow backlinks, they do not count toward the search engines ranking and they do not help your website to rank
On this posted we cover what are backlinks, the value of backlinks and they are two types of backlinks.
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